so, the row i'm hoeing right now has gotten a little tough; i'm confused and unhappy about what's going on with me and the girl i like, and the company i work for has been bought, so there's some uncertainty about my future employment.
i will almost certainly have a job for the immediate future, but whether it's doing something i enjoy, and what i'll be paid are up in the air (although i'm pretty sure i'll take a pay-cut). currently my job description (if there even was one) covers about four different areas, and most companies have four different people to do those things.
additionally, the company that bought us is approximately nine times bigger than we are, and i've never worked for a firm that big.
all in all it adds up to a lot of uncertainty, and i don't thrive on that, at least not when it relates to real life.
on the plus side, i'm injury-free, did an adventure race solo a week and half ago and got fifth, and my new workplace is close enough that i don't have to drive to get there, which is pretty cool, i'm sick of driving.