Wednesday, February 16, 2005


as i expected, i got sick. it was just a cold, but it was a pretty bad cold; i felt feverish and crappy for a couple of days, and was cranky and drove n. insane with my whining.
i'm a terrible invalid, i won't stay in bed and i get really cranky. combine that with the rainy weather we had and missing my usual workouts and i was not fit to associate with.

have i mentioned that i'm a bike geek? this is my bedroom

my valentine's day gift from n.

it's a reproduction of eddy merckx's team jersey, and i love it.
how on earth n. (who has no interest in bikes whatsoever) ever found it i'll never know.

mostly because she won't tell me.

in other news, the tree (the BIG tree that you can see in the background here) that was in the back yard of the building next to mine was cut down.
i'm mostly glad about it, it was a podocarpus, and they're evergreens so they shed year round.
they're also allelopathic, so it made it almost impossible to grow anything other than really hardy weeds in the backyard.

on the other hand, now i feel all exposed in my bedroom, and i'm a little worried about the mourning doves who nested there every year.


and finally, n. got an interview at davis, which is kind of huge.


At 6:16 PM, Blogger dolface said...

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At 11:11 AM, Blogger nomax said...

now i have this picture in my head of you, cranky, sick, hands clawing the air, hissing at the light pouring in where the tree used to be

sort of a bella lugosi with bicycles

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Dude, you are a bike geek. I count like 18 bikes in that bedroom.


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