Wednesday, January 19, 2005

the usual stuff

my plans to update this thing more often continue to go aglay. apologies to anyone who reads it.

over the weekend things happened: on saturday i went riding with the fixed-gear crew, which was a blast despite the overcast and FREEZING (well, not really, but cold for here) temperatures.
after i got back and thawed out a bit n. and i went and saw the lemony snicket movie, which was really pretty good. i don't like jim carey, but he wasn't too obnoxious in this flick.

speaking of jim carey, we also watched 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' on friday night (which probably made us the last people on the planet to see it) and that was really good. go rent it right now and watch it tonight if you haven't already.

sunday i went riding with s. on the geared bike, and after a few minutes of confusion about all the gears and brakes and stuff i adapted, and was surprised and pleased at how much stronger i was after riding the fixed-gea-only for about 3 weeks.

sunday evening we went to a birthday party for k., which was lotsa fun; a bunch of folks i hadn't seen in a long while showed up, and there was much conversation, drinking, and merriment. so much so in fact, that i had a bit of a hangover the next day and had to go run 12 miles in order to feel like myself again.

i have come to the conclusion that there is no better hangover cure than aerobic exercise.


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